Monday, September 24, 2012

Pinterest Weekly Link-up

Hi All!
Again, this week I am linking up with AP at ILYMTC to show off one pin I did this week.  I apologize in advance, but I was so worried that I was going to forget to drop them by my mom’s house I forgot to take a picture, so any pictures are courtesy of PINTERST. I have been super absent minded lately, so I had to do what I could do to remember..ha

Next Monday is my sister Allie’s 16th birthday, yes I can’t believe that my youngest sister is 16..ahhh it feels like just yesterday I was babysitting her and driving her around in her carseat buying her cute clothes..ha  She plays volleyball for her high school team and is having a team dinner tonight at my mom’s house so she requested I make her some Cake Mix puppy chow…I made it once at Easter time and gave it out in cute little bags to our guests and she loved I made her some for her dinner tonight. It’s super easy, and super good!

Ingredients needed..
1 bag of melt able chocolate disks (white—though you can use any color)—I get mine at Michaels.
1 box of Chex Cereal (I tend to like the rice)
A small dollop of shortening
½--3/4 cup of funfetti cake mix
Sprinkles (optional)
Powdered Sugar

This is so easy, you just melt the chocolate and add the dollop of shortening stir until completely melted. Pour over cereal and coat evenly. Add half of the mixture to a bag and mix in ¼ of the cup of funfetti cake mix and ½ cup of powdered can also add the sprinkles in..shake until fully coated. Lay on cookie sheet in single layer to dry. Repeat with second half.

*NOTE** You can add a bit more funfetti mix if you would like a stronger flavor of cake mix—though it does get sweet FAST!
It’s so easy and soooo yummy!

Friday, September 21, 2012

What does God really think?

                 I know this post is all over the place, but I have alot of thoughts on this and it's one of those topics that is extremely difficult to get out without offending someone, or having other's get the wrong message. I'm sorry in advance.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I was raised Catholic. My parents sent us to Catholic Schools and made sure we were at church every Sunday (or Saturday night). For awhile, they even made sure we never wore jeans or shorts to church..EVER..then when we switched parishes and there was no air conditioning that quickly changed. As we got old we chose to go to church on our own at the time that fit us each better. This mainly was because my parents wanted to go to the early masses and HELL-O kids don’t want to get up early for church. I can proudly say I did go to church and even took my little sisters with me when my mom and dad were working. I lectured in the church when I was in middle and high school and I volunteered for a lot of church and school related activities. I even attended the “optional” church services like the last supper re-enactment, Good Friday services, Holy Thursday, etc—WITHOUT my parents making me. I really loved going to church and learning things about the faith.
                I’m not going to lie when I say that today things are a little different. I still have strong beliefs in the Catholic Church, but certain things I question and I can’t see past. Maybe it’s because I married someone who wasn’t catholic, maybe it’s because I’m older and have a deeper thought process. I really don’t know. I still believe in God and I most definitely believe in prayer and that while God gives you free will, he inevitably is in control. The question I constantly am contemplating is, can you still be catholic if you don’t agree with EVERY single teaching of the church. I mean really do ALL Catholics participate in abstinence because the church teaches that pre-marital sex is a sin and we shouldn’t do it? I think premarital sex, personally is a choice an individual makes for their own feelings of self worth, for the spouse they WILL someday marry. I didn’t do it because the church tells us not to, I do it because I want to feel good about myself and my decisions.  Another thing that baffles me about the church is birth control. The church says using birth control is wrong, yet they preach about NFP (Natural family planning, which is essentially birth control-if you do it right). I thought the church teaches us that God created man and woman to pro-create and preventing that from happening is a sin. I am constantly asking myself am I a sinner because I chose to use BC when I was in college for health reasons? Am I sinner because I chose to use some sort of birth control after  my first child was born because, umm yea there was no way we, as new parents could handle or afford two babies at once… Am I a sinner because we used some sort of birth control when my husband was laid off for over a year because he wasn’t bringing in any income? I mean really, if you count all the things I’ve done wrong in this situation I’m surely going to hell, or at least taking up some poor priests entire Saturday in the confessional. These are a few of the things that baffle me with the Catholic Church. Why can’t I believe in god, pray to him, teach my children about him and continue to live my life as a good person, helping others and so forth and not be considered as constantly sinning? I do agree with the church that life is precious and that God created man and woman to pro-create, but if he did this, than why did he create some people unable to conceive? One may argue that it’s because he has a bigger plan—like adoption for all the children out there who need good parents. But really, why is there so many stipulations? The church is becoming so contradictory to me. I strongly feel like there are certain things that don’t need to play a part in the church.  Abortion, pre-marital sex, birth control, co-habitating before marriage, etc. are PERSONAL choices, and any person who was raised in the Catholic Church I feel should already have good morals and will make the decision that they feel is right for them.  It shouldn’t be considered a sin when you make a personal decision.  God gave us free will, I sometimes wonder why we are sinners for using it.  Lastly, why am I a sinner if I miss mass? Is praying at church and reading the scriptures at church the only way I can show God I’m a follower? I can do BOTH at home. This doesn’t mean we should NEVER go to church, but I think it’s kind of a stretch to say you are sinning by not giving up ONE hour of your Sunday for God.
                I’m Catholic and I don’t care if others don’t think I should be classified as that for whatever reason. Yes, I’ve used BC, yes I lived with someone before I got married, no, I don’t go to church every Sunday, yes I’m against Abortion but will sometimes vote for a candidate for presidency if they support it because there are MORE issues than just Abortion when it comes to an election, but I will never stop believing in God, I will never stop teaching my children about God and his works. I will go to church, and I will still voice my opinion on how ANTI-abortion I am and I will use BC if I chose to for whatever reason, because the church is there for guidance and support not to make my personal decisions for me. I will continue to give to others and put others first. I will continue praying because I know God has the final say.  I will continue to lean on God and his teachings EVERYDAY not just on days I am down or feel like I need a little help.  I will continue to be a good person and isn’t that being a Christian is all about?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Not just pinning, but doing.......

Today I am linking up with AP at ILYMTC to share some ideas that I have gotten off of Pinterest and attempted to re-create! I love crafting, baking, etc but find little time these days with working, and parenting 2 little boys under 4....but when I do find the time I can't deny that I love doing it!
Here are a few things that I have PINNED and followed through on :)

I made this super easy wreath, and attached the wreath with pins so I could remove them easily to change out for the season. It took a little bit of time, but it turned out cute. The only thing I can say is I used the flat top pins, and I would recommend using the ones with the balls on top for better hold, otherwise I had little pieces of burlap falling out. I then just cut the burlap into strips, folded over and pinned; easy as can be. I then added felt flowers...those were kind of just make shift a bit..ha I folded them in circles and rolled them and pinned them down. If I took the pin out of the flower, it would come fully apart.

I also made this cake for my dad's birthday. He is a golfer and I thought it would be cute to actually try this pin I saw aw few months back. Again, not a lot of time for me so I try and keep things easy, while still being cute, so this was one box of any kind of cake mix. (I used white--even though chocolate would look more like a hole in the ground when cutting out a circle in the cake) and bank accordingly, then it says you should be able to use jar frosting, but I found out it wouldn't stay up as nicely as I would have liked it to since I was trying to make grass. I then cut a circle out of the cake and attempted to fill it with chocolate frosting so it looked like dirt, FYI--not a good idea the crumbs from the inside of the cake made this near impossible. TIP: use a chocolate cake next time. Anyways, then I piped homeemade buttercream frosting (powdered sugar, shortening or butter, milk and vanilla) dyed green all over the cake. I then took a toothpick and placed a construction paper red flag on it to indicate a hole on the golf course! I think it turned out cute!

And my PIN I will share on this link up will be my son's 3rd birthday party. He loves sports (his daddy appreciates that mucho!) and he loves the Green Bay Packers, was there any doubt?? :) So, of course his 3rd birthday was a Packer Themed Party. The dessert table came from many ideas on Pinterest. My hubby helped make the goal post out of PVC piping and I made the yummy treats to put on it, courtesy of pinterest!

Hopefully I will be having a FALL decor blog post later this week showcasing all my fall decorations, and that will definately include many pinterest ideas. I'm making it a point, like AP, DO more than just Pin! Happy Monday!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sweet tooth?

Wow 2 reviews in one week, actually two posts in one week...what's happening to me!?

Awhile back I was on a couponing kick, I'll share more later. While I was researching couponing I came across some groups that allowed me to join and review products and share with my friends coupons, etc. One of these was Bzz agent and let me tell you I have been turned on to so many products through this group.

Recently they sent me out some coupons to try some of the UNREAL! candy for free.  UNREAL! candy has no artificals, no corn syrup and no hydrogenated oils! So, it's candy that's good for you, right? Now, there are a few different kinds, but my 3.5 year old loves what he calls "Reeses butter cups" so I decided to try the peanut butter cups. I went over to Michaels (the craft store :) ) and purchased a few of them because I knew if we liked them we'd be going to through them and I didn't want anyone upset with me if there weren't enough, and don't even think my child was going to share..

These definately passed the child test as my son LOVED them. He never knew the difference between the UNREAL! brand and the "other" brands we buy-and they are a little better for you! (Though what 3.5 year old would be able to tell the difference.) So I decided that since Bzz agent would like RELIABLE reviews I should probably taste them as well; so I did. They were super yummy! I could  buy these and not tell others the brand and no one would know they weren't Reeses. Now, that doesn't mean I won't ever buy Reeses, because let's be serious now I do only buy what's on sale and cheaper than the next. I can say that these candies are often times on sale at Walgreens so if they beat the competitors price I would snatch up in a second. I am not sure ALL the places you can buy them, though I believe that information is listed on their website.  I can tell you they are availabe at Michael's Craft Store and Walgreens by me.

Since Bzz Agent was so kind and sent me some FREE item coupons and I only handed out a few, I would be more than happy to send them out to those who would like to try them.

If you would like me to send you a coupon or 2 send me an email at loveandcoupons (at) gmail (dot) com! I will get them out tonight for you!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hair Problems? Anyone?


First off, shampoo and conditioner "whoas" have been happening over here. I cannot get my hair to feel even remotely soft these days. I have VERY VERY thick, straight hair. I have to straighten it every day and I hate it becuase it never feels like it does when I leave the salon. So frustrating! But, I have been trying some new shampoos and conditioners lately and I swear to you this has been an uphill battle. I even went and chopped my hair off (not ALLLLLLLL but a good chunk) just because I was sick of feeling it. See, this is serious people! Anyways...I don't like spending alot on these things because 1) I'm a cheapskate and 2) I spend enough on my hair appts and my hubby would kill me. So I started cheap, which, yes is probably the first mistake, but you live and learn...
Garnier Fructis, which by the way Dr. Oz said once on his show was the best CHEAP shampoo you can use on your hair....well, he was wrong, for me never made my hair soft and it was impossible to get a comb through it when I got out of the shower.
Herbal Essences, if I'm being honest here I tried this strictly because I love the scent and it always lasts forever on my hair. No, not a winner..same issues I had with Garnier, except this one smelled better.
I then went on a work related trip to Boston, with every intention of just using the hotel shampoo to get me through this 3 day trip, but the humidity did a number on my hair almost instantly when I landed so I scoped out the mall and found an Aveda store, which BTW I love Aveda, though I don't like the price tag. I broke down and bought the Smooth Infusion shampoo and conditioner and the sweet salesman loaded me up on samples of the leave in Damage Remedy (WHICH I LOVE and highly recommend!). I went back and used it that night and ahhhhh sweet softness, and it only cost me $46.00 ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! This would be fine for a normal person, with normal hair whose shampoo would last for awhile, but have I mentioned I have a TON of thick hair and I use more than normal people when I wash my hair. This shampoo seriously would last me for maybe a month IF THAT.
Then last night I was in the shower and saw all the packets of sample shampoos I have gotten in the mail recently and I decided to try the Pantene Aqua Light shampoo and conditioner...ohhh lord this stuff is amazing...I can't seriously say enough good things about this. I am actually heading to Target (with my coupons in tow) to purchase these. My hair has never felt softer, and the most amazing this is my hair doesnt look flat at the end of the day like it used to. I am not kidding people..this is like liquid gold (the other one..hehe) I am so looking forward to adding this to my regime and I'm sure my husband will like the price tag much better!!