Monday, December 19, 2011

The Reason for the Season

I love reading blogs and I love hearing how other mom’s do things and what “works” for them and their children, and at the risk of being criticized for this blog post I have to say this year I’ve become a bit annoyed with some bloggers. Here’s why.

I am Catholic, I was raised by two very Catholic parents and they made sure we went to church each week, volunteered at our church (I was a lector) and also went to adoration, confession, etc. I even went to mass everyday during Easter week to celebrate the reason for that season. I loved the last supper mass with the washing of the alter boys feet to symbolize the apostles at the last supper. I loved it all. I am a good person, who does things for others regularly and KNOWS the reason for the Christmas season, but I have children; young children who clearly can’t comprehend the “true” meaning of Christmas just yet, but that doesn’t mean they won’t.

This year reading on Twitter and on some of my daily blogs I read I notice some people are just constantly making me feel like if I decorate my tree, my house, go look at Christmas lights, bake Christmas cookies, take my children to see Santa, and even have Santa visit our house I should be ashamed of myself. Christmas isn’t all about these things, ya know!. Yes, I do know that, but I do know that my 2.5 year old doesn’t understand who Jesus is and why he came to earth for us. I can explain it as basic as I can and all that he will be able to repeat to me is that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday and that if he hits the baby Jesus in my nativity he won’t be allowed to play football anymore in the house. He doesn’t get it, and I’m okay with that. When I got married I promised that I would raise my kids up in the Catholic faith and I have every intention of doing that. Right now, I’m content with teaching my son that the train table he gave to another little boy last week was super nice of him because that little boy didn’t have one. Sharing is good, and he understands that. Giving to others is part of the true meaning of Christmas and he gets that.

As parents we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, and until our kids are older we will do it FOR THEM…don’t get me wrong, we will still try and teach the religious aspects of the season to our kids when they are young, but I won’t let people make me feel bad for letting my kids celebrate Santa as well, and the other non-Christian aspects of the holiday. The next best thing to having my son(s) grasp the true meaning of Christmas is watching their faces light up on Christmas morning when Santa has come, or making Christmas cookies and looking at lights.

And I won’t feel bad when I hear moms and dads talking about how their 2 year old was caught singing Away in a Manger, or holding the baby Jesus from the nativity ever so gently because my son doesn’t do that. Because honestly, even if my son was singing Away in a Manger he still wouldn’t know what it meant. He’s holding the baby softly because it’s a baby and we needed to teach him to do that with babies for his little brother’s sake. He may go to church and sit quietly while reading his Children’s bible, he may talk during the WHOLE mass as loud as possible, but either way he still won’t understand why he is there—yet.

So this week when we deliver cookie trays to people and wish them a  Merry Christmas, and when my son hands the gifts we bought and that he made to those he loves and a smile a mile wide fills his face I’ll be okay with that. I’ll be okay with knowing he’s doing for others and THAT is part of Christmas. And when he packs away some of his old toys to make room for the ones Santa brought him this year and we take them to those less fortunate I will know me and his dad are doing something right.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Card 2011

I'm so excited to be trying all these new link-ups. I am linking up with Faith, a blogger whose blog I recently found through Megan.

Each year I try and find a super cute, creative card to send out to our friends and family. We usually mail about 50-60 cards out a year. I know how much I love receiving cards, so I love sending them to people too.

This year was our first year with BOTH boys...I was so excited to take pictures with them together and a family shot, which was supposed to be used for this card. Unfortunately, it was the first time we used a location shoot photographer and Logan (almost 3) was too mesmerized by the park and running around outside that he conveniently forgot to smile and pose for the pictures in an appropriate manner (more on that later). We did manage at least one good one though.

So I present to you, our 2011 Christmas card....courtesy of Tiny Prints

Merry Christmas!

Oh What Fun it create....LINK UP!

Oh What Fun it is to….Create Link Up. Make sure to visit Meredith today as she hosts the link up for Creating!!!! Also, make sure you check out these other wonderful ladies....Erin, Molly, Nina and AP

I love this time of year, I just wish that I could find more time to do fun crafty things. I have always loved crafts and always tried to make time to do them. Now I have Logan whose at the age where he wants to help and we are both so anal about things we have a hard time working together..hahaha imagine that a 3 year old and his mom not working well together on an art project. I take full responsibility for his anal tendencies.

Anyways, I did a few fun art projects this year, but only took a few pictures…I just never seem to have the camera when I need it.

I started off by trying to make a colorful, non traditional wreath for our front door. I went off to Michaels and picked up some colorful polka dot ribbon (obsessed with polka dots this year..) and a letter for our last name and some bright paint. I then headed to Target and found these super cute color coordinating ornaments and VOILA! here is what I came up with.

A friend of mine was making ornaments this year and told me about this super cute idea and soooooo easy. You use the glass ball ornaments, glitter and floor wax (MUST BE Pledge floor cleaner with FINISH wax)! YES! That is all and they are so super cute! First you remove the silver top piece, and pour a bit of wax in the ornament. Slowly move it around so it covers the rest of the inside and then poor the extra back into the bottle. After that make sure there are no bubbles (I let mine sit upside down on top of the bottle for a few minutes) and then proceed to pouring a healthy amount of glitter inside. Shake like crazy until fully coated inside and then pour out extra glitter.  Put the silver piece back inside and let rest until dry.
Here is the finished product. I used these to fill a glass container I had sitting around for a decorating piece in my bathroom (more of that to come on Friday for the decorating link up!!!!

Happy Holidays and Happy Creating!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Guess What!?

It’s Friday, it’s not snowing here (yet), the weekend is filled with holiday filled activities, I have 2 (or 3) haha amazing guys to spend this weekend with AND I’m hosting my very first giveaway…It’s sooooo a good day!

I love to cook, and I definitely LOVE to bake and I have my favorite kitchen items that I use when baking for the holidays. I love Pampered Chef products and have just really transitioned to using them for most all my baking needs in the last 2 years. I absolutely love their stoneware for baking AND cooking, but there are most definitely some things I can’t live without and I’d thought I would share with you!

First and foremost for those of you who make the traditional decorated sugar cookies let me just tell you that your life is about to get so much easier…say goodbye to that wooden rolling pin and hello to THIS….

So super easy and SMOOTH to use..I love it!

Moving on...I also love these bowls...they are stainless which is one reason I LOVE them...they have a rubberized bottom on them which makes it easy to mix in and not have the bowl constantly moving across the counter...and they have deep seal lids which make it perfect for storing cookie dough that needs to be chilled.

Stylish huh?

If you are sick of having sore hands after frosting (or even in the middle of frosting) cookies this is the perfect thing for you...there is NOTHING to it...If I could buy one of these and give it to each of my baker friends I SO would!
And last, but certainly not least this handy little thing will seriously clean your bowl out and leave NOTHING on the bottom or sides. It molds to whatever jar, bowl, etc you are scraping and is wonderful for cleaning every last morsel of food from a can. I use it all the time when baking Christmas cookies!

I forgot to mention these come in different sizes as well!

 Now for the fun would one of you like to win a Pampered Chef gift set with one of the Easy Accent Cake Decorators and a Handy Scraper! All you have to do is leave a comment with your favorite holiday treat you like to make....and your email address of course! I will post a winner next Friday December 9th and get your package out to you for delivery on Monday so you can start your Christmas baking ASAP!

Have a good weekend and good luck!

****if anyone is interested in placing an order for any products email me...I would love to help****
                             loveandcoupons (at) gmail (dot) com

Monogrammed Clothing

Hey Everyone!

I’m looking for I (Ian) or L (Logan) monogrammed clothing! Ian is 6-12 month clothes and Logan is 4t-5t!

Email me if you have anything available!  loveandcoupons (at) gmail (dot) com


P.S Join fellow blogger Kelly if you are in search of cute monogrammed clothing for your kids or if you have some you are looking to get rid of!