Monday, September 17, 2012

Not just pinning, but doing.......

Today I am linking up with AP at ILYMTC to share some ideas that I have gotten off of Pinterest and attempted to re-create! I love crafting, baking, etc but find little time these days with working, and parenting 2 little boys under 4....but when I do find the time I can't deny that I love doing it!
Here are a few things that I have PINNED and followed through on :)

I made this super easy wreath, and attached the wreath with pins so I could remove them easily to change out for the season. It took a little bit of time, but it turned out cute. The only thing I can say is I used the flat top pins, and I would recommend using the ones with the balls on top for better hold, otherwise I had little pieces of burlap falling out. I then just cut the burlap into strips, folded over and pinned; easy as can be. I then added felt flowers...those were kind of just make shift a bit..ha I folded them in circles and rolled them and pinned them down. If I took the pin out of the flower, it would come fully apart.

I also made this cake for my dad's birthday. He is a golfer and I thought it would be cute to actually try this pin I saw aw few months back. Again, not a lot of time for me so I try and keep things easy, while still being cute, so this was one box of any kind of cake mix. (I used white--even though chocolate would look more like a hole in the ground when cutting out a circle in the cake) and bank accordingly, then it says you should be able to use jar frosting, but I found out it wouldn't stay up as nicely as I would have liked it to since I was trying to make grass. I then cut a circle out of the cake and attempted to fill it with chocolate frosting so it looked like dirt, FYI--not a good idea the crumbs from the inside of the cake made this near impossible. TIP: use a chocolate cake next time. Anyways, then I piped homeemade buttercream frosting (powdered sugar, shortening or butter, milk and vanilla) dyed green all over the cake. I then took a toothpick and placed a construction paper red flag on it to indicate a hole on the golf course! I think it turned out cute!

And my PIN I will share on this link up will be my son's 3rd birthday party. He loves sports (his daddy appreciates that mucho!) and he loves the Green Bay Packers, was there any doubt?? :) So, of course his 3rd birthday was a Packer Themed Party. The dessert table came from many ideas on Pinterest. My hubby helped make the goal post out of PVC piping and I made the yummy treats to put on it, courtesy of pinterest!

Hopefully I will be having a FALL decor blog post later this week showcasing all my fall decorations, and that will definately include many pinterest ideas. I'm making it a point, like AP, DO more than just Pin! Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

You and AP have good taste with the burlap wreath :)

That cake is awesome! We did a green football field for our sons 1st bday.

SEL said...

I love the cake! I have a side business making them and yours definitely looks professional!

The wreath is adorable too! Great job!


Lynsey said...

Cute wreath and your cake turned out great! It looks professional.

Ashley Paige said...

Oh my WORD- that golf cake looks AMAZING! I love that! And we're clearly burlap wreath sisters separated at birth. The wreath I made this weekend was the FOURTH burlap wreath I've made. I think I need an intervention! Thanks SO much for linking up!

Unknown said...

Wow! You are one crafty girl. Everything you make is awesome!

bethanygp said...

I'm so impressed with the cakes and the wreath is awesome!

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